Showing posts with label Humanitarian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Humanitarian. Show all posts


For Pelosi, Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization

If Nancy Pelosi had her say she'd have us believe that Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization.
As reported by CNS News, “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said in a CNN interview the United States must look to Qatar, an ally of the terrorist group Hamas, for advice in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. “And we have to confer with the Qataris, who have told me over and over again that Hamas is a humanitarian organization.”

This is yet another Pelosi weasel statement that affords her to speak her mind (or whatever device she employees to move her lips) while affording her plausible deniability should her trial balloon either fizzle or explode in her face. Were it not for a fawning press, it would most certainly be the latter.

In other words, Nancy Pelosi telling Americans that Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization is like telling our children that pedophiles are trustworthy because they volunteer in day-care centers. Mark Jordan
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Nancy Pelosi would have us believe Hamas is a Humanitarian Organization.
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