Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary Clinton. Show all posts


The ONLY Reason to Vote for Trump

Max Learner once said, "When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil." For those weighing the candidates dealt for the upcoming 2016 presidential election, the consequences of their vote could prove less malignant were they to heed such learned counsel.

For me, the choice between America's two evils is not about which presidential candidate has the potential of doing more good, but rather which will leave less carnage behind. Considering the contrasting defects between Trump and Clinton can be summed up as the bombastic bully versus the criminal-in-waiting, I'm convinced the choice is as clear as Hillary's email servers.  

While one can only imagine what could become of America in the hands of a spectacularly corrupt, career politician (married to an impeached president and perennial philander, no less), I think it's a safer bet to hand the button to spectacularly successful businessman, regardless of his equally spectacular intractable behavior. 

The ONLY reason to vote for Trump is that he is repairable – Clinton is not.

Listen folks, we're up the proverbial creek without a paddle any way you look at it. However, don't you think it's wiser to trust America's challenges to a person who's mastered the art of the deal versus a serial scoundrel who's mastered the art of the steal

Either way, the country is in for one heck of a ride. Regardless, at the end of four years of Trump, even at his worse, the weight of his ego will amount to nothing more than a flat tire. It's repairable and America will be on the road again, recovering quickly. 

However, there are disastrous ramifications for sanctioning a consummate gangster. Hillary will place a burden on our country so great that it will rupture our economy, tear our constitution to shreds, and make recovery a multi-decade proposition, if ever.

To wit, come this November, when contemplating which candidate will earn your vote, you need recall ONLY one reason you're going to reject the politician and vote for the businessman: Trump is repairable – Clinton is not

Simply jot down this helpful axiom and carry it with you in the voting booth. The country and I thank you.

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The Trump Vote Enabler!

Obviously, I am not a fan of Donald Trump. Why? For me, it's about character

In 1998, when my then seven year old daughter asked me, "Daddy, what's a blow job," I realized at that moment not only how the defects of our elected officials can affect us Americans right in our very home, but how vital it is for us to elect leaders who best epitomize principled character – a person who lives in such a way that we are proud their honorable lifestyle is imparted to our children. 

In short, Trump does not exhibit the exemplary character traits that I admire, nor would I want his attitudes and uncivil way of expressing his perspectives be adopted by my children, let alone our nation.

Mind you, Hillary Clinton's conduct is equally, if not more, odious. Both she and Trump reside at the bottom of the proverbial barrel – though this particular container appears to be more contaminated than most. 

However, when the stratum of scum is microscopically peeled away, Trump is located a few layers higher from the nethermost. And being a proponent of the principle of "the lesser of two evils," I am bound to cast my vote for Trump – as distasteful as that is. 

To wit, if you are anything like me and feel duty-bound to vote in presidential elections, you just might require assistance this cycle in casting your ballot. Both options are a tough, tough, call. Regardless, since our choice is between suffering from a greater loss of freedoms or enduring a bombastic, vainglorious trumpeter, I have to go with the latter. 

I trust my Trump Vote Enabler® will give you the courage to step out, turn out, and do what needs to be done. With any luck it will only be four years...right?

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They All Belong Behind Bars

Bernie is a carny who is best treated as if approaching a circus cage. His whacked yet dangerous ideas are entertaining for sure but that's the extent of him. 

Hillary's most significant and welcomed service to America will occur when she serves her time in prison – I would not expect amorous conjugal visits from Bill.

Donald cannot open his mouth without complaining or throwing tantrums – "whining Don" is better suited for a crib than the oval office. 

The only candidate best equipped to restore America is Ted – nevertheless, it's still a sentence carrying a minimum term of four years, with four more years awarded for good behavior.

Let's hope whoever earns the presidency, they will put the interests of the country at the fore.  

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YouTube Good - FaceBook Bad

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that a Facebook post in which an Islamic militant group claimed credit for a recent terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya did not constitute evidence of who was responsible.

  • "Posting something on Facebook is not in and of itself evidence. I think it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued for some time to be."

YouTube, the While House's Standard for what constitutes credible evidence.

In others words, it was acceptable for the White House to base their supposition that the terrorist attack in Libya was a response to a "crude and disgusting YouTube video," but any suggestion to the contrary on Facebook, Twitter or a slew of emails to White House officials, including the Situation Room, does not rise to the level of being credible. 

Mind you, I don't side with any social medial as a reliable, official resource of White House intelligence. I just don't think it's rational for President Obama's State Department to pick and choose which and when what ilk of media they can cite as their nexus to international affairs. 

With explanations so dizzying as the White House would hope American's might believe, one can hardly fault those who might attribute this administration's shifting renditions to political expediency. From my perspective, the only plausible account is summed up in one simple word: coverup

Your thoughts?

Mark Jordan
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